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Monday, March 7, 2011

College Trip Reflection

   It all started that morning on March 3rd,2011.I woke up at 6:00am then got in the shower and left for school.Got to school and stood outside for like 30mins,when we went in they checked our bags twice.When we left we were on the bus for like 7 hours.everyone was lound but I went to sleep half of the time.

  I had fun we did a lot of things like go to a beach.That was at tyhe first college which was in Santa Barbra. Another thing we did was eat lunch we always did that on the trip first we had was pizza, the second thing we had was whatever we wanted from the place I got Chinese food, the last thing was the buffet that was the best.Then we went the Boardwalk that was fun too. After the Boardwalk we went to U.C. Santa Cruz thats where the buffet is. Then we cae back to Oakland so we could see our families.